Group programs that ignite a lasting transformation week by week

Are you ready to learn shortcuts that help you stay well long-term?

I thought I was incredibly healthy before I got cancer at 33, but it turns out I was running my body into the ground. I wouldn’t rest because I didn’t want to put on weight. I would binge drink and stay out late, but get up early to work off whatever damage I had done the day before. I had difficulty sleeping so would wake up with two or three morning coffees. I worked early and late. I desperately wanted to get off the hamster wheel but had no idea how. Then everything changed.

When my chemotherapy didn’t kill my cancer, I knew that taking control of my health was my only option. It was then that I realised it was my lifestyle that was putting my health at risk.

I now know HOW to give my body the nutrients, sleep, movement, relaxation and connection it needs daily to stay well, and I want you to learn how to do this too.

I want you to learn how to manage stress, manage your weight, get a long and relaxing sleep, and manage your hormones. I want you to realise you don’t have to starve your body or take pills, you don’t have to restrict yourself or hate yourself.

I want you to learn how good you can feel, no matter how old you are and what you’ve been through before.

Whether you’re trying to prevent a health crisis or recovering from one, I’ll share my step-by-step transformation to help you reclaim your health. 

Here’s why my four week series can help:

  • Your mindset towards health will shift as you build knowledge and implement incremental changes each week.

  • You will look and feel different as you lose weight, reduce stress, sleep better, exercise consistently, feel calm and in control - and energised!

  • You’ll join a circle of women and get support from me between sessions

  • You’ll get my downloadable content to optimise your health long-term

This is the secret sauce to reclaiming your health and building new habits that will last the test of time. Are you in?

Four week Level Up Series

  • If you’re tired of trying things that don't make you feel better, want to see noticeable change, and kickstart healthy habits long-term.

  • Following an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle significantly reduces the risk of disease and helps us stay well long-term. The problem is that a lot of us don’t know what this means or how to do it on our own (trust me, I didn’t either!) 

    That’s why I’ve created this four-week course to get you started. I’ve spent five years transforming myself – I quit my corporate job and started my own business where I work in ways that keep me well and fulfilled. More importantly, I am cancer-free. Everything I’ve learnt on my journey is covered in four online sessions, which are endorsed by medical oncologist, Dr Rachel Dear.

  • Four weekly online sessions

    Sessions run for 1 hour

    Assignment to complete each week

    $195 total

Four week Cancer Confidence Series

  • You're undergoing cancer treatment, experiencing ongoing side-effects, or desperate to feel confident and leave cancer behind you.

  • Following an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle has been proven to reduce cancer recurrence risk by 41%. The problem is that a lot of us don’t know what this means or how to do it on our own (trust me, I didn’t either!) 

    That’s why I’ve created this four-week course to get you started. Endorsed by Medical Oncologist Dr Rachel Dear, you'll learn what anti-inflammatory eating is, how to build meals, how to grocery shop and choose foods while eating out - and how to follow 5 simple anti-inflammatory principles to live an anti-cancer lifestyle long-term.

  • Four weekly online sessions

    Sessions run for 1 hour

    Assignment to complete each week

    $195 total

  • Your series made change achievable. I'm enjoying seeing myself change bit by bit. These changes might just save my life. Thanks Elle.

    Rhiannon, Live Well Series Participant

  • Thanks Elle. Your series started a real mindset change about food, stress, lifestyle and work that I desperately needed!

    Megan, Live Well Series Participant

  • Elle has developed a sensible, evidence-based program that every human being should do! Elle’s content is fantastic, summarising what I recommend to patients into an achievable step by step guide.

    Dr Rachel Dear, Medical Oncologist Sydney

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about health coaching

  • Understanding what to eat, how to exercise and how to stick to goals is tricky on your own, especially after a health crisis like cancer. Women choose health and nutrition coaching to get the tools and support to eat better, lose weight, address niggles in their body, sleep better, reduce stress, make career moves, improve their relationships and make time for what’s important to them. Health coaching helps tackle any negative self-beliefs, rebuild confidence and improve health through holistic nutrition and life-enriching principles and techniques.

  • It’s hard to know what changes you need to make and how to make them stick long-term. We focus on the most important changes you can make to your nutrition, stress, rest, work and self-care to enable you to be healthy again. In each area, we identify where you are now versus where you want to be, what’s stopping you, and create a simple step-by-step plan to get there. We regularly discuss progress, celebrate your wins and change course where we need.

  • I combine my formal health and nutrition training, first-hand experience of cancer and signature coaching process to help you make all the changes you need to make, in a way you’re able to stick to, so you feel confident you’ve made the changes you need to stay well. Because we use this process every two weeks in our sessions, clients start to see results in a few days, and can’t believe their transformation over a 6-month period.

  • I’m committed to helping you reach your goals and value honest feedback. I’m always open to doing things better with my clients, so I schedule regular check-ins, not just on your progress, but on my performance too. But if you still didn’t feel you were getting what you need, I’d have no problem ending our program and repaying the difference.

  • All coaching programs are available on payment plans, allowing you to pay in 1, 2 or 4 instalments over the course of your program schedule. I accepted online payments and automatic direct debit payments through Stripe.

Book a complimentary 1-hour consult to learn how I can help you reclaim your health.