10 ways to get work life balance that won’t impact your income

Do you wish you could work differently but don’t know how?

If you’re running yourself into the ground, putting so much time into work and family that you have no time for yourself, or just want time to do more of what you love without impacting your income, these ideas are for you. 

Here's 10 ways to get work-life balance that won’t impact your income.

  1. Request a flexible work schedule. This could mean work from home days or adjusting your start and end time. This could mean less time commuting or give you the flexibility to do your favourite 10am gym class and work later into the evening if that suits you.

  2. Ask if it’s possible to work a compressed workweek. This means you work longer hours for fewer days per week to allow for more personal time. I worked a 9-day fortnight for years. It meant I was paid a full-time salary and worked 1 hour extra per day to have every second Friday off work. I used that day to prioritise self-care, rest, study, spend time with friends or just relax. This approach completely changed my life!

  3. Consider alternating workdays or weeks, or scheduling work tasks around personal commitments. This could mean starting late on a Wednesday to do something that’s important to you. Bringing more of what’s important into our day or week has enormous benefits to our health and wellbeing.

  4. Request the ability to set your own deadlines or work independently to help you better manage your workload and schedule. 

  5. Ask about job training, mentoring, or job shadowing, that can help you grow professionally and achieve your career goals. 

  6. Consider asking for a sabbatical for personal or professional development so you can recharge and pursue your passions and interests. These can often be organised in ways that won’t impact your earnings.

  7. Ask about personalised benefits that can help you manage your personal finances and reduce stress. 

  8. Ask about customising your workload, such as reducing or increasing the number of projects you work on to manage your work-life balance.

  9. Request to change the type of work, tasks or projects you work on. This could mean you’re in less meetings, work individually versus in groups, or avoid toxic situations that stress you out or make you feel anxious. 

Increasing flexibility, reducing stress and finding fulfilment at work are all areas we cover in my Own Your Health Program and Cancer Recovery Program. If you need help working out what you need or how to communicate it with your employer, book a free 1 hour session and we can make a plan together.  


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